I ALLOW LIFE TO MAKE ME HAPPY | Carla Parola Official website I ALLOW LIFE TO MAKE ME HAPPY – Carla Parola Official website
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Let us begin with an Assertion already expressed many Times, but it is always useful to repeat it: To Love Ourselves.
We must really see Ourselves as Part of Life: We ARE Life.
Everything will seem Different when the Concept of Loving Ourselves is clear-cut, and we are able to Live it perfectly within us.
Life will no longer be an Obstacle Race, there will be No need to defend Ourselves from Others and Providence, but we will be so Aware of Ourselves to finally develop Curiosity.
Curiosity about what can happen, Curiosity about the Solutions Life can offer us, Curiosity about Tomorrow, about our Reactions…
At last we will Live with Lightness, starting precisely with Loving Ourselves.
Not allowing Others to Hurt us does Not mean censuring them, keeping them at a distance, or continuously arguing with Them, but simply increasing Our Self Defence, our Antibodies when faced with Wickedness.
If Someone is shouting, I can decide either to listen to her, or Not to, and I can do it by mentally singing Something.
If a Person is rude to me, I can think that it doesn’t Concern me, it is her Problem and does Not touch me.
In this Way I neither Justify the Other nor Judge her.
I just take on board that she is behaving in a Churlish manner.
This is Loving Yourself.
Ill Will and Bad Temper is not for us: We don’t need them, they are of no help to us, they only make us demoralised.
Wake up Every Morning full of Curiosity to what the day will bring, with the desire to Experiment the Fantasy of Life.
Genuinely allow Life to make us happy, to offer us Solutions to the decision We believe is both important and fundamental to resolve.
It is Life that knows if it is really important and fundamental, and will offer us the Appropriate Solution.
We must simply allow This Solution to arrive without interfering with our “but….if…how” in other words with Our Alibis, Fears and Conditioning.
In the Morning let us open our Arms and say,” I am here and allow Life to Make me Happy”
Let us Repeat it every Morning and Evening, without Analysing our past lives, because we could be tempted to feel guilty or recriminate ourselves for Something, and these Vibrations are of No help to us.
We will Live Every Moment with Awareness, repeating Every Morning “I allow Life to Make me Happy”



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