
  Если ты форсируешь события, то чувствуешь себя беспокойно, если пренебрегаешь ими, ты чувствуешь себя неуверенно. Остановись. Подожди сигналы Жизни.

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Little Seed

The world functions perfectly. Also the storms and earthquakes serve the equilibrium of Nature. They allow you to live turbulent periods too. Do not protect yourself too much: Many experiences are needed to raise your spirits.

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Little Seed

Who are you to think you are always right? Who are you to look at other people as if they were pathetic failures? You are only a presumptuous miserable being. Change, and Life will smile on you.  

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  Perché hai smesso di voler migliorare la tua Vita? Forse la Stanchezza ti blocca, o forse non credi più nell’Aiuto divino. Scuotiti e mettiti alla Ricerca del Meglio.    

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  Spesso non ci si riesce a fermare quando il Pensiero martella furioso per cercare la Soluzione ai Problemi. Abbi la Forza di fermarti. Sarà la Vita a venirti Incontro con le Soluzioni.  

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