Self Esteem 2

  You think you aren’t worth anything simply because you don’t know who you are. If you consider yourself only as a human being, you are clearly using the parameters of human beings, who want to have a satisfying career, children, friends… the usual social standard; but if you think...

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Little Seed

It seems impossible for you to look on Life with optimism. You can only see pessimism on the horizon. Do you think you are right? I say you are not. It is only with a realistic, thoughtful and trusting optimism that you can attract the right solutions . Do not...

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Self Esteem

What can we do to increase our self-esteem? What can we do in order to ensure that how we evaluate ourselves is realistic and not burdened with Fear and Anxiety or conditioned by others? We need to step back and ask the same old questions: who am I? What am...

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How can politcs change its course?

How can politics change its course? How can politics finally become public again, a true, authentic expression of all individuals and not just of a small minority? Simply through the participation of everybody. There is no party, association or movement that could change something if they are not permeated thoroughly...

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Beloging to the Universe

  Every time the human being thinks of himself as part of the Universe, an energetic metamorphosis takes place within him. Believing you are part of the Universe makes you feel in peace, serene and especially, Humble Being part of the Universe and feeling it like a living Reality, means...

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External Help

  Looking for something or someone to help us make our Life more fluid, consistent, harmonious – is significant. But if we always look for support and help from the outside, we will never be satisfied: first it will be an angel, then an archangel, an animal, a plant …...

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Little Seed

If you want to live in a constructive and conscious way, you must search for the meaning of Life. Don’t think that this is an enormous undertaking. It is all much easier than you think. Look and you will find.

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